Active participation in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme offers aspiring entrepreneurs access to a wide range of benefits to help successfully run or start a new business:
Up to six months stay with an experienced entrepreneur in another Participating Country to gain first-hand knowledge about business start-up in a wide range of areas such as: marketing/sales, financial accounting, customer relations, business finance etc. You will also have the opportunity to improve your business plan, as well as:
- Building self-confidence and skills: sector-specific knowledge or know-how, technical and management skills;
- Opportunities for collaboration with other entrepreneurs and the development of cross-border business co-operation;
- Networking and building of strong relationships, which can be useful for mutual consulting, business referrals, and for finding business partners abroad;
- Insights into different cultural and organisational settings and how companies function in another Participating Country;
- Insights into the business environment of another Participating Country
- Improved language skills;
Thanks to the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, participants achieve long-term benefits, which are illustrated in the Erasmus success stories