Hello world!

My name is Sara Lemos and I am the founder of Inglês 8-80.
It all started early in the year of 2016 after two big life changing decisions: quit my previous job and pursue an old dream of becoming an English teacher.
And Inglês 8-80 was born! As a plan B for most people when in fact it has always been a plan A for me.
Despite all the disappointments with my first academic and job experiences, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to study abroad several times, namely in France, Italy and Germany. Experiences that were definitely the highlights of my university years and that would eventually inspire me to start this business.
I believe the advantage I took from those international experiences were possible not only because of my never-ending unquieted spirit but also thanks to the fact I had a good domain of the English language, so I decided I would like to contribute to the possibility of other people having the same privilege I had.
Located in a small town in Portugal, Fermentelos, with less than 4000 inhabitants and opened since October 2016, Inglês 8-80 has, above all, emerged with the aim of filling the gap in the supply of high-value services in fields such as training and education in the village where I grew up in.


Sara Lemos (PT)
Sara Lemos is an entrepreneur who has already been running her own business since 2016 - Inglês 8-80 - a language school located in a small town in PT
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