WORTH II: Inspiring innovation through creative connections around Europe
Following the success of WORTH,WORTH II was launched last June.
The idea of WORTH II is to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs in the fashion industry and
lifestyle sector, increase their innovation capacity and help them in the transition toclimate
neutrality and digital leadership. By the end of WORTH II, at least 200
transnational partnerships will have received tailored support and coaching in
defining and creating new, innovative products, services and business models.
On the
19 October 2021, WORTH II hosted an info day for the promotion of
its first call for proposals. Through this Open Call WORTH II aims to become Europe’s largest
incubator programme for creatives, offering:
• Market-based financial support for the development of innovative products,
services or business models with a higher added value.
• A coaching programme and advisory services tailored to the needs and
specificities of the different partnerships.
• Facilitation of market-positioning and professional contacts between members
of partnerships and other key players by organising networking activities and
participation in relevant design events and exhibitions.
The objective of the Call is to
strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs in the lifestyle sector and increase
their innovation capacity through cross-sectoral, pan-European collaborations
between SMEs, designers and technology providers to foster the integration of
creativity, design and new technologies in SMEs with the aim of obtaining high
added-value products, processes and services and at the same time enriching
them with the exchange of knowledge and skills between the different actors
The first call of WORTH II is
dedicated In particular to the principles of
the New European Bauhausinitiative (NEB). The initiative aims to facilitate profound, collaborative, and
multidisciplinary societal transformation along three dimensions (core values):
• quality of experience, including style/aesthetics, healthy and safe living
• sustainability, including circular economy
• inclusion, including accessibility and affordability
The call will remain open until 02/02/2022.
The link to the call as follow: Evaluation
Management System (ems-carsa.com)