Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Matías Emparanza Vásquez (Spain)
Age: 25
Company name: Tabakit | (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Advertising,Promotion, Media
Martin Bresem (Germany)
Age: 32
Company name: _blaenk | (5 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Advertising,Promotion, Media
Period of exchange: 09/2021 until 02/2022
Duration of exchange: 6 months
Business sector of the exchange
Matías Emparanza Vásquez decided to participate in the EYE programme because he was looking for a startup working in the marketing and social media areas. After being accepted he found _blaenk, a marketplace where products are staged in physical experience spaces in prime locations as well as online through its own online shop and social media presence. This was exactly what Matías was looking for to develop his project - Tabakit. He hoped that going abroad, discovering other countries and markets, and working with an experienced entrepreneur would help him to achieve his objective. The host entrepreneur and founder of _blaenk, Martin Bressem, was glad to see Matías‘s proactivity when he presented feedback and comments on the analyzed business areas, attaching mock-ups and files with examples of the innovative elements he could be developing at his company.
During the 6 months of collaboration, Matías and Martin developed several projects in different areas, with a diverse range of complexity. Image corrections, poster designs, illustrations, market analysis, a whole store re-launch and rebrand for the company, creating and implementing marketing strategies from scratch were the activities where they focused. Managing the social media accounts of _blaenk was a fascinating challenge, because the new entrepreneur learned to engage with a larger audience. Matías got to learn a lot while working in the marketing area, especially with the workshop sessions where together with the marketing team, they created an entire campaign. With the one to one sessions with Martin, Matías received valuable insights on how he manages the company and how he could improve Tabakit.
With the new social media campaign, 8 posts ranked in the top 10 posts with a 40% increase in reach compared to previous ones. The entrepreneurs redefined the target audience and created a social media strategy with a planner, templates for scheduling the workflow, and deadlines to properly carry out a consistent social media plan. The impact on Tabakit was tangible. The social media campaigns became more focused, reaching a new German audience and directing the double amount of traffic to the website. Martin and Matías also managed to release a new line of products for a new target group, producing it locally in Cologne, Germany. Matías expanded his market area and now Germany has become the third country where Tabakit is distributed. Soon he plans to start managing the company from there.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios de Valencia (Valencia, Spain)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
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