Alex Frias & Alejandro Crawford - Erasmus entrepreneurs

Success stories

Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme

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New entrepreneur:
Alex Frias (Spain)

Company name: (Start-up)
Sector of activity: IT, office and communication equipment, services and supplies

''I would have probably never had a chance to live and work in NYC if it had not been for EYE- it is a life-changer, an MBA about real life''

Host entrepreneur:
Alejandro Crawford (United States)

Company name: RebelBase
Sector of activity: Legal, fiscal and other consultancy services

''Disruption requires both hard-won experience and a willingness to throw out the old rules. This program practices what we call the "rebel way," challenging entrepreneurial rebels to imagine a world that works differently, and break down boundaries to put what we imagine into action.''

Period of exchange: 03/2019 until 06/2019
Duration of exchange: 3 months


Business sector of the exchange


Innovation consulting practice


Alejandro first learned about the EYE programme from Alex Frias whom he met at the International Symposium on Youth Employment Challenges conference in Türkiye. Alex became Alejandro’s first Young Entrepreneur when he came with the idea to expand RebelBase into Barcelona.


Alejandro brought him on board and Alex dedicated his exchange to attending conferences, networking, and finding a RebelBase client. He succeeded when he closed a university subscriber in Barcelona: Tecnocampus.

Tecnocampus became one of RebelBase’s first customers. An entrepreneurship professor at the university used our toolkit with her class of undergraduates.

The partnership with Tecnocampus continues, as it participates in an international entrepreneurship course funded by the Open Society University Network. Tecnocampus was one of five university partners that collaborated on the course at the end of 2020.

This was Alex’s crowning achievement, and when he returned to Spain, his professional relationship with RebelBase continued. He became RebelBase’s Head of Global Business Development, responsible for leading sales efforts outside of the U.S.

Overall, the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme has proved to be a tremendously valuable source of talent for Alejandro and his company, RebelBase.

The programme has fueled RebelBase's growth by lasting the relationships that had been built with ambitious and intelligent young people. All these exchanges have made meaningful contributions to the company. Without EYE, the company would not have managed to expand into the European market in such a successful way.


For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:

New entrepreneur's contact point:
Cambra de Comerç , Indústria i Serveis de Terrassa (Terrassa, Spain)

Host entrepreneur's contact point:
Unione Regionale delle Camere di Commercio Artigianato, Agricoltura e Industrie del Veneto. (Venice, Italy)

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