Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Adrián Bilbao (Spain)
Age: 34
Company name: Integration Solutions (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Community, social and personal services
Vladyslav Greziev (Ukraine)
Age: 30
Company name: Lobby X (5 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Community, social and personal services
Period of exchange: 02/2020 until 08/2020
Duration of exchange: 6 months
Vladyslav and Adrián had met in 2016 while Adrian was filming a documentary in Kyiv. Vladyslav had just created a Socially Responsible Recruitment Agency with the aim to help Ukraine’s democracy develop further. Adrián, as a social worker experienced in labour insertion projects, was very impressed with the initiative. Years later, after working with refugees in Spain Adrian realised the big cultural differences between the refugees and the local community make their insertion harder. There is plenty of research about African and South American culture in relation to the Spanish but very little is known about the Eastern European. So Adrián who already knew a little about Ukraine decided to become an expert and submitted his business plan to EYE encouraging Vladyslav to host him and work together. He would get an experienced project manager to deal with a new branch of his start-up.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kiev, Ukraine)
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