James Evans & José Fernández  - Erasmus entrepreneurs

Success stories

Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme

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New entrepreneur:
James Evans (France)

Company name: (Start-up)
Sector of activity: IT, office and communication equipment, services and supplies

My relationship with my HE was hugely beneficial, offering valuable knowledge and experience. I am grateful for the program's opportunity and I strongly recommend it to anyone considering starting a business.

Host entrepreneur:
José Fernández (Spain)
Age: 33
Company name: GET STUDIO IT SL (9 years of experience)
Sector of activity: IT, office and communication equipment, services and supplies

This exchange of ideas and perspectives enriched our team dynamics and contributed to improved project management and efficiency. James' adaptability and initiative ensured the project success. This mutually beneficial exchange provided fresh ideas and growth opportunities.

Period of exchange: 06/2023 until 10/2023
Duration of exchange: 4 months


Results and benefits


3 new jobs created
5 new contracts
1 new country reached
Marketing and IT


French entrepreneur James Evans, an expert in computer science and web design, participated in the Erasmus Young Entrepreneur program to gain practical business insights and assess his entrepreneurial skills. With a multicultural background, James aimed to explore data analysis and learn how companies utilized data. He planned to establish a computer support and upgrade services business. Spanish entrepreneur José Fernández, with a background in business development and ICT, hosted James. Operating GET STUDIO IT SL since 2013, José specialized in digital business strategy offering services like positioning, web development, social media and mobile-first solutions. Seeking talented individuals to enhance his company, José welcomed entrepreneurs who could contribute value.

James, the new entrepreneur, joined his host in a comprehensive learning journey, developing crucial competencies in common ownership functions such as marketing, management, customer service, accounting, public relations, production training, client care and IT research. This hands-on exposure bridged the gap between theory and real-world application. Actively engaging in his host's daily operations and decision-making processes, James gained a profound understanding of practical company management. Meeting professional role models and potential mentors was a significant aspect of his exchange. José, the host entrepreneur, guided James in customer strategy, SEO and SEM positioning processes for application to his own business project. José also mentored James in researching, analyzing, organizing and managing a team through cooperative meetings. Their fruitful collaboration allowed mutual learning. 

The new entrepreneur has developed a robust skill set throughout his mission, beneficial for upcoming ventures. Immersed in common ownership functions—from marketing to IT research—he gained practical insights and hands-on experience. James deepened his understanding of technology's application across industries and boosted confidence in his business area. Through collaboration, José successfully recruited a new member crediting James for the skilled assistance. José expanded his client base thanks to James' engagement and negotiation skills during meetings. James' mission not only enhanced his competence but also brought tangible benefits to José's company in recruitment and client acquisition.

For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:

New entrepreneur's contact point:
RISINGSUD (Marseille, France)

Host entrepreneur's contact point:

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