Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Bojan Stojčić (Bosnia And Herzogovina)
Age: 34
Company name: Studio Bojan Stojčić (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Advertising,Promotion, Media
Stan de Natris (Germany)
Age: 35
Company name: Slavs and Tatars (17 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Crafts, art materials and accessories
Period of exchange: 09/2022 until 01/2023
Duration of exchange: 2,41
Results and benefits
Bojan Stojčić is 34 years old visual artist from Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina. He finished his masters in the Academy of fine arts in Sarajevo where he gained his first professional experience as a graphic designer for Ars Aevi Museum of contemporary art and other local cultural associations and institutions. After eight years of active work as an artist and designer in the culture sector he started his studio for design and art production. It coincided with the start of the pandemic so it was a challenge to adapt to new circumstances and ways of thinking production and presentation of art. As a young entrepreneur he wanted to gain new skills and experience. A friend recommended him Erasmus program for young entrepreneurs. He saw it as a great opportunity to learn and find new ways of responding to new circumstances. He was already familiar with Berlin’s art scene and production infrastructure and he chose that city to get involved deeper in its professional scene.
His host was Stan de Natris a designer in the Slavs and Tatars artist collective. Working with one of the most prominent studios in Berlin Bojan gained invaluable experience in in-studio workflow and project development from an idea to the final presentation. Also thinking about projects from the inside and the outside was a new challenge for him that provided a lot of new knowledge and ways of approaching the work. Bojan was given the responsibilities he does not usually do in a day-to-day practice and Stan guided him through with shared curiosity and patience. Besides improving his technical knowledge of studio organization and production Bojan expanded his contact network and opened new opportunities for his studio.
Bojan came back to Sarajevo inspired and with new strategies and plans for developing his studio and its practice. He gained new skills and knowledge that will help him further develop his practice in a local environment. Consequently he has just started a joint studio with two colleagues which will further improve the business of Bojans studio through cooperative work and the exchange of ideas and experiences. Bojan recommends this project to everyone who starts their own business but also to those who are in the process of creating their business idea since the experience abroad for several months significantly broadens the horizons of every entrepreneur.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Udruzenje Zene za Zene International (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzogovina)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
ABUplus International GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
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