Flavia Chiarelli & Manuel Carabias Herrero - Erasmus entrepreneurs

Success stories

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New entrepreneur:
Flavia Chiarelli (Italy)
Age: 27
Company name: Yeu Lit (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Legal, fiscal and other consultancy services

I recommend this experience to anyone interested to develop their entrepreneurial idea because it helps you immensely in clarifying your ideas and understand if this is the right path to follow in your life.

Host entrepreneur:
Manuel Carabias Herrero (Spain)
Age: 34
Company name: Formative Footprints (10 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Legal, fiscal and other consultancy services

Education must be the engine that moves people in the right direction.

Period of exchange: 07/2022 until 11/2022
Duration of exchange: 4 months


Results and benefits


20 new contacts
Writing and managing European projects


The New Entrepreneur Flavia is a 27-year-old Italian. Her dream is to create her own consulting firm in order to provide support in writing and managing European projects to inexperienced companies. This is why she decided to spend this period of training in Spain at Formative Footprint thanks to Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. She chose Manuel Carabias Herrero’s company because she knew it would allow her to develop in-depth skills in this area. Her HE has over 10 years of experience in European design and he has followed her from day one showing her the endless aspects possibilities challenges and difficulties that can be encountered on a daily basis in running such a business. She is really satisfied not only with him but with his team too made up of very well-trained people who supported her in every step. The company happens to be specialized in innovation in the field of education a field of interest for Flavia’s future business idea: the match was 100% perfect.

Flavia had the opportunity to explore every aspect of this work from writing to direct project management to daily contact with the team and with international partners. She was introduced to the more theoretical aspects related to the European funding programs (eg. Erasmus+) and the various responsibilities that the CEO of a company faces daily. Then she was given the opportunity to manage a project from its initial phase to the very end meeting the partners at an international meeting. She finally had the opportunity to participate in the proposal writing for two European projects. This gave Flavia the crucial chance to see one of the most important aspects of her business idea - the writing phase. She was able to improve her analytical capability through active observation interrelating the different priorities of the European Commission and the area in which she will develop her activity favoring the creation of innovative effective and applicable solutions to the European environment.

This experience has provided Flavia with all the skills necessary for her business idea to come to life. Seeing closely and working in the sector of interest allowed her to understand how sure she is to go down this path. She had the opportunity to travel to get in touch with many international partners to establish a relationship of mutual esteem with her colleagues and above all she learned a great deal about every aspect of this complex work. On his side with Flavia’s help Manuel could develop a new updated report on the different European programmes and their characteristics and he had significant improvement in its network and project writing capability. Manuel and Flavia are both strongly convinced that the most important value to pursue is citizenship education and they both want to find a way to do it through European projects. Thanks to their collaboration they have learnt new strategies to keep the pace with this ever-changing environment.

For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:

New entrepreneur's contact point:
Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali (Reggio Emilia, Italy)

Host entrepreneur's contact point:
Innogate to Europe, SL (Madrid, Spain)

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