Recent testimonies of successful business networking - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
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Ivona Pokorná (Czech Republic)
Age: 33
Company name: (Start-up)
Sector of activity: Music, theater, events and related cultural and entertainment services
Rumen Somov (Bulgaria)
Age: 49
Company name: ЕТ (16 years of experience)
Sector of activity: Health, beauty and social services
Period of exchange: 10/2021 until 03/2022
Duration of exchange: 6
Business sector of the exchange
Ivona Pokorná is a former marketing manager who in the last few years decided to travel and work or study in different countries. When the pandemic shook the world she decided to move on, start her own business and experience the EYE programme as a new entrepreneur in Bulgaria. Ivona wanted to use the EYE exchange to learn among other things about the different markets and laws. Rumen Somov is a successful entrepreneur that started his first business 20 years ago. Although he had experience as an interior designer and tattoo artist his first business was a pet shop. Later on, he extended his activities and returned to his creative work, founding a successful tattoo studio. Now he is starting again in a new field with a museum. He wanted to find a person who could help him with marketing and the organisation of foreign volunteers, so he decided to register as a host entrepreneur to do so.
Ivona was responsible for the foreign volunteers. Under her leadership they helped with the reconstruction and preparation of the museum. Her activities included administration related to voluntary programs and legal administration to establish a museum. Ivona also focused on European projects. Rumen helped her to understand Bulgarian law and administrative processes, introduced her to contacts that will help her in her business and helped her to find future partners. She did the same for Rumen and, using her experience in marketing, she has found him new opportunities, helped to gain a better understanding of marketing communications and connected him with potential international partners.
For more information, please contact the local contact points involved in the exchange:
New entrepreneur's contact point:
Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia (Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic)
Host entrepreneur's contact point:
Bcause (Sofia, Bulgaria)
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